A Prayer of Pennance


Forsaking You, Lord God, was his life’s greatest sin.
And he blamed You, Dear Jesus, for another man’s sin.
Telling himself to deceive and deny God’s truth,
Heaven alone knew how he became such a fool.
Even though in his heart, he knew he was wrong,
Ridiculing You, Father, became his life’s song.

Further and further from Christ, he surely did stray,
Only You, Dear God, stayed in front blocking his way.
Reaching out for his hand, as he would slip and then fall,
Giving freely Your love, but he heard not Your call.
If only he had listened all the times that You spoke,
Victory in Christ could have been the lines that he wrote,
Even though he has scorned You and this he regrets.

May his heart know You love him, for his soul You have kept,
Every blessing You have given; May he love and accept.

Written By Lyn Liechty
March 15, 2000

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